I walked the holistic path to recovery and what matters most to me is that I can show you the way...

Books, Online programs, Mentoring, Meditations and more. All made with your ultimate breast health in mind!



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“Bust Out” fearless advice to keep you in your power during breast cancer and prevention

A positive, pro-active “to do” collection of insights and advice for healing breast cancer and for breast cancer prevention.

This e-book will help you stay out of the dreaded “fear zone” when negative thoughts and feelings take over. It is like having your very own breast cancer mentor right at your fingertips!

This free e-book is offered in a happy, pop-art style to help uplift and inspire! 

New Release!

“The Booby Trap” bust out of fear into a breakthrough health paradigm and heal yourself of breast cancer forever.

Heidi Sorensen, holistic breast cancer mentor, speaker and author shares her breast cancer story of how she challenged the western medical system’s status quo by refusing chemotherapy and radiation– despite her oncologist’s ominous warning that she would die if she refused.

 In THE BOOBY TRAP, Heidi discusses the challenges of tuning out the doubters and the rewards of listening to your intuition when it comes to choosing your individual healing path. With the added emotional challenge of having a new born baby, Heidi was able to make a researched and calculated decision to buck the system and forge her own path of healing. In the process, she created a unique healing protocol that she called the “Happy Healing Project” to keep herself inspired during her journey. 

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1-1 DARE TO HEAL Mentoring program

After breast cancer–I recognized my experience as a gift. It taught me how to live intentionally with presence, vigor and joy. 

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 37 and I made up my mind that I wanted to heal in a holistic way, I really wanted to talk to someone that had “been there, done that” that could help advise me. 

I needed guidance and information about changing my diet, what supplements worked, and what didn’t. I knew there were strategies, methods and protocols that I wasn’t aware of that I desperately wanted to discover. I needed support but couldn’t find anyone to help me. I would have given anything to have a mentor to personally guide me through the most difficult time in my life. 

That’s why I’m here. Because I know how you feel. I know what you’re going through and I want to help! 

I offer years of research, knowledge and experience on the topic of healing holistically from breast cancer. Even though I am a licensed counselor and certified coach, I prefer the word “mentor” because I’ve been there and done that and my belief is that my accumulated knowledge and experience is worth more than all the licenses in the world!

The sessions are designed to move you through the pain and fear and learn concrete strategies, including the “eat to stop cancer” diet to keep you focused on the ultimate goal of one hundred percent healing.  

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When you commit to the mentoring program you will...

  • Gain the knowledge, structure and action plan needed to create change
  • Feel happy that you are taking charge of your healing 
  • Dramatically change your perception of what is possible for your health
  • Feel inspired and on track for healing
  • Get on a “eat to halt cancer” diet that starves cancer cells
  • Learn how to forgive yourself and others to heal more effectively
  • Be held lovingly accountable for taking daily action to make changes
  • Blossom with health and radiance 

And say goodbye to...

  • Feeling scared and anxious every day
  • Defeatist thinking about your health
  • Not knowing who to turn to to get the kind of support you need
  • Trying to figure it out on your own
  • Feeling confused about what foods to eat or not eat
  • The feeling that you’re not making progress
  • Overwhelmed with options and not knowing which path to take
  • Suffering through old paradigm mind-set patterns that you can’t shake.

Are you ready to heal for good? 

Right now I have openings in the 3 month (12 weeks) , 6 month (24 weeks) and personalized mentorships. Don’t postpone your health to another day. Every day matters so why not live each day healthy, happy and free? It’s possible!

If you are serious about making changes to free yourself from the daily chaos of living in fear of breast cancer–I can help. 

It is my honor to assist you! 

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Heidi’s power meditations 

Let me guide you to a place where healing is not only possible–it happens in REAL TIME while you relax and allow your body to do what it knows best.

In several studies mindfulness meditation appeared to increase levels of t-cells in patients with breast cancer. And the results were measured in real time. 

Because I am a certified mindfulness meditation teacher with over 35 years of meditating experience I know what it takes to discipline myself to sit down and meditate. But, with my guided meditations, I make it super simple for you!

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This masterclass is for anyone who is ready to understand what it takes to heal holistically from breast cancer.

As a holistic mentor, Heidi will immerse you in the energetics of holistic healing and outline what we must do to create perfect health. 

The Masterclass is broken into three parts...

  • Part 1: Overcoming fear and how to participate in active, conscious healing
  • Part 2 : Food as medicine to halt cancer. 
  • Part 3: Holistic MUSTS for eliminating breast cancer for life

coming soon...
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I was 36 years old when I was diagnosed with breast cancer— right after the birth of my daughter. What was supposed to be the happiest time of my life suddenly turned into the scariest time!

Before that, I had been a model, actress and singer traveling extensively around the globe and at the time I was a screenwriter in Los Angeles for television and film. My baby was only a few months old when I received the news about the lump in my breast…

Meet Heidi

You can heal your breasts...

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