I believe that all healing is first a healing of the heart.

I was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer but because of my younger age, it was considered more aggressive. It was an extremely overwhelming period of my life that required a lot of mental effort to keep me from falling apart.

With hormones raging and a beautiful new baby to care for, I also had the additional weight of handling a life threatening illness that could not be ignored. I was in shock and in fear for my life and I was also concerned about leaving my new baby motherless. 

One day early into my diagnosis, after being on the crazy thought roller-coaster for some time, I stopped myself cold. 

I knew if I didn’t do something to stop the negative thoughts from taking over that I had a very real possibility of not surviving. Looking at my baby in my arms I realized that dying was not an option.

I couldn’t leave her motherless – so I had to get through this challenge no matter what it took. I had to do all the necessary things to get well and also take my thoughts seriously and start guiding them to assist me and not hurt me.  At the same time, I was also deciding on my course of healing. 

After much research I learned that the type of breast cancer I had didn’t respond to chemotherapy.

So, when two separate oncologists recommended it to me, I was surprised, turned them down and decided to find my own path. (One actually told me I would die if I didn’t do what he said.)

After surgery to remove the lump, I went on a holistic healing journey, despite push back from some friends and family– that ultimately saved my life.

work with me

“Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.”

– Buddha

I am not
           a survivor.

When we identify so deeply with our story it keeps us in the quicksand of the past.

Words are powerful! They carry frequencies when spoken. How you use them can shift your perspective and your life and attract good or bad things to you! With that said, I don’t use the word survivor in my conversations– ever! I do not consider myself a survivor. It’s a word that carries a resonance of victimhood that keeps us in a story of despair.  

Why do we need to be reminded of our troubles? Why do we need to label ourselves at all? We are not our sad story. People with other serious illnesses don’t do that–why is it only cancer? How about– I had breast cancer, but I don’t have it anymore. I conquered it! Surviving infers that you almost didn’t make it but somehow just hung on. No thank you! 

I had to trust my body to heal itself

My mentoring programs and meditations are dedicated to offering the helping hand that I could have used.

My story is one of radical healing. My system works. It works alone or alongside the standard western medical protocols. I don’t discriminate or judge! 

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Get to know me...

I Adore...

Old growth trees. Wild wind and turbulent ocean waves. Feeling the oneness of spirit and nature–especially when alone. Oat Milk tea lattes. The magic of animals. Black and white photography. Adventuring the world without a plan. Abstract art. Feeling the high vibration in places of worship. 

I Believe...

In daily exploration and learning, the healing vibration of love, prayer and community— (especially when all three unite), that our thoughts and words have power, that boredom is a choice, that we are here to be reminded of our divine nature and unlimited potential!

I'm Not About...

Finding fault with others, focusing on the negative, complacency, long emails or texts (I get right to the point)

You Can Find Me...

Writing, researching, practicing yoga, meditating, hiking in the B.C. mountains, listening to jazz and latin music, laughing with my daughter (we find each other hilarious) and carrying our 18 year old pug, Captain Edward on trips around the world! (A psychic said he was a captain in an army in his last life so we’re going with it.)

My Bio

Heidi Sorensen is a speaker on healing breast cancer holistically and has spoken for the Canadian Cancer Society, The Soroptimists Club and other international groups and organizations.

She is a counselor, mentor, certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher and has been advocating on behalf of women for over 20 years in various capacities including counseling them through breast cancer. She was the director of her own charitable organization for girls and women that focused on a variety of issues that affects girls internationally, including human trafficking and abuse.

She has assisted girls and women in developing countries, working with various non government organizations including World Vision and Plan International and then with the United States Department of Defense on an interactive learning laboratory project that exposed participants across the developing world to new ideas and approaches about how to build people-to-people technology networks as an underlay to more sustainable development and stability operations.

 She has also worked alongside The Ending Violence Association of Canada developing a program to assist women in crisis. She is a certified wellness coach, health counselor and a certified Mindfulness meditation instructor.

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