Is your brain operating at high frequencies from fear of breast cancer without giving you rest?

Do you sometimes feel as though you are drowning in overwhelm but can't shift your mind-set?

With Heidi's meditations you will not only learn to turn off the "negative chatter", you will also experience...

Arrive into a peaceful sanctuary where your body takes instructions easily and begins to do what it knows best—heal. 


Heidi's Power Meditations

Many studies say meditation plays a key role in fighting cancer and other diseases that call upon immune cells. It also improves a variety of biomarkers that indicate progression of the disease. 

During these power-packed, guided meditations, you will sense a vastness of space where you become less aware of your body or your environment. You become pure consciousness.

Meditation is the most powerful tool in the tool box when going through breast cancer. 

You just haven't found the right meditations to make this life altering habit stick yet!

Discover the emotional root cause of your breast cancer, forgive, release it and set yourself free...

...heightened inner peace, more clarity, a sense of empowerment, increased optimism and energy and a growing flame of love for yourself and others...

...but most importantly your body will be in the process of healing itself. 

That's where Heidi's Power
Meditations come in. 

Allow Heidi to gently guide you to the quantum field of consciousness— an invisible field of intelligence that exists beyond space and time. This is the place where the door opens wide to profound healing.

For women currently diagnosed with breast cancer or for those interested in prevention. 

If you've tried to meditate and have become completely frustrated with the experience, don't worry! This is normal when you first start. It doesn't mean you're lazy or unfocused, it just means...

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